Empowering Our Youth.
Feeding the Hungry.
Nourishing Our Community.
DonateFeed the Hungry of Auburn is a non-profit organization that annually provides thousands of pounds of meat to local food closets to help nourish those in need.
Your donations are used to purchase livestock sourced from the local Junior Livestock Auction where young exhibitors from Placer County's 4-H & FFA programs receive monetary value for their efforts.
Last Year's Impact:
Animals purchased from local 4H youth, supporting their further education goals.
Pounds of packaged beef, pork, and lamb donated and distributed.
Toys, Gift Cards & Canned Foods Collected and Distributed to Hundreds of Families.

Our Programs
Junior Livestock Auction
Each year Feed The Hungry of Auburn supports the young people of 4H and Future Farmers of America by bidding, purchasing, processing and distributing the finished food products via a broad network of food ministries located throughout Placer County.
DonateFood & Toy Drive
With the amazing help of South Placer Fire Fighters Association, Auburn Host Lions, PetSmart and dozens of people with feet on the ground, we collect shelf stable foods and toys to distribute to more than 30 organizations supporting children, women's shelters, senior centers and families.
DonateBombas Giving Partner
In 2022 we became a Bombas Giving Partner distributing clothing to those in our community that are in great need. In the last three years we have distributed more than 10,000 socks.